Águeda Color Day 2019
Entre músicos e sambistas, a terceira semana do AgitÁgueda contou com o tão aguardado Carnaval Fora d’Horas e Águeda Color Day, que juntou milhares de pessoas nas ruas a assistirem ao desfile das muitas escolas de samba, que lideravam a corrida mais colorida do país: a Color Day.
Alain Balões Special Events foi a empresa selecionada para produzir explosões com cor em 4 pontos distintos espalhadas no percurso do cortejo na cidade.
Among musicians and sambistas, the third week of AgitÁgueda featured the long-awaited Carnaval Fora d'Horas and Águeda Color Day, which gathered thousands of people on the streets to watch the parade of the many samba schools leading the most colorful race in the country. : a Color Day.
Alain Balloons Special Events was the company selected to produce explosions with color at 4 distinct points spread throughout the procession in the city.